Warm Christmas and Festive Greetings to you all from Waimate

South Canterbury…….a dampish overcast day and is just starting to clear – ready for Christmas Day, a Kool glass or three of a chilled Rose, a special chicken lunch….and maybe a dark ale was well.

2023 has been an interesting year, have spent 9 months in Canterbury, a very interesting province and now heading to Lake Hawea, Haast with a slow ride up to Westport and sniffing the daisies as I go…and this lifestyle comes with it’s fair share of challenges – all in a day’s work, so to speak…. 

It has been 4 years ‘on the road’ and a great lifestyle – like Ocean Sailing – new places and faces – which makes life interesting as it keeps one’s brain active and neural pathways open.

I’m sure 2024 will be an exciting year (can’t get any worse than 2023 and the previous 5 here in New Zealand) and with a new venture underway and looking great, will make a difference….

Looking back, the highlights are many….but the best has been spending 2 winters in Southland, Fiordland, South Otago -as it seems to toughen one up to the element’s and makes one appreciative of the futilities of ‘global warming’ as we cannot do much about the weather….. it’s either too, hot, too cold, too dry or too wet – I think it has been that way for a long, long time… 

Have fun and enjoy 2024!!

I’ve had an interesting work career, with the majority of it being self-employed in the construction field, as an installation contractor of aluminum windows and doors and also manufacturing garage doors with a staff of 62 employees, for far too many years which kept me ‘strapped to the chair’ as I never saw my kids grow up and also in a relationship that was not going well and did not end well.

My whole life has always been about the lure of fresh horizons with new adventures, as well as being into personal growth and development. With a new wife in my life, I completed a long-time dream to build a yacht and sail off into the sunset where we cruised for 3 years in the SW Pacific and lived aboard for 5 years – However, the downside was no continual stream of income which was needed to sustain my chosen lifestyle.

In other words, I did not own my Own Life.

Now, back on land, I was, note was, involved in Network marketing for many years with a great company and I just could not get it to work for me and last year I spotted an ad on Facebook that led me into marketing a ‘high ticket item’ which was fine, other than the challenges of dealing with Facebook and their continual algorithm challenges of having ads approved…

Then one day during a business discussion with a friend of mine, she sent me data on a complete marketing platform and then another friend suggested one, for any product as it had tools and training to market/sell other people’s products all online with just my Laptop and Mobile Phone…. 

Here I could see a whole new world opening where I could control what I marketed and also retain my list of contacts where they did not become a ‘once only sale’ nor did I have to be continually be promoting a range of companies, and each new product that was released…. In essence, I have created a ‘subscription business’…..

Now, I have found the key for a 10K in 30 Days Lifestyle Sprint!

Secrets to a free automated online business system that works…, or any other business from any location I choose, and I’ll be doing this from my ‘escapemobile’ – a AWD and a Caravan plus a Vivid Imagination and Determination…

“There is only one thing worse than not been given an opportunity…  And that is to have one presented to you and not do anything with it”…. Unknown Entrepreneur 

“You have a long way to go. You must decide for yourself what is best, but remember this, a choice cannot be made if there is none to make”. From The Mammoth Hunters

“Jobs fill your pocket – Adventures fill your soul”


“Each challenge is a new destination, and every setback is a detour leading to success. The road may be tough, but the view from the top is worth every step.”